There’s nothing like cruising around in a boat to make the best of a gorgeous day, but owning your own boat can be expensive and tedious. We here at Mark’s Leisure Time Marine want to help you enjoy time on the water on your own terms, so we’ve put together a few of the benefits of renting a boat, below. To learn more, or to see the rentals we have available, contact our stores in Conesus and Canandaigua, New York, today!

The Money

Obviously the biggest benefit is that it’s cheaper to rent a boat, at least in the short term. You don’t need to pay the boat’s full price, or pay for regular maintenance and insurance or registration. Depending on the rental agreement, you may not even have to pay for fuel!

Short-Term Play

If you’re only interested in using a boat every so often and for short activities, renting is your best option by far. The amount of work you need to put into a boat to enjoy just a few hours’ fun can be daunting, but if you rent, your boat is ready to go when you want it!

Testing Them Out

If you do want to own a boat someday, renting a model you’re interested in can be a great way to test it out. Drive it around to see how it handles and how it matches up to your needs, and you’ve suddenly got a perfect idea for how well that model matches you in general.

Ready to get started? For more information, or to see the rental options we have available, contact us at Mark’s Leisure Time Marine. We proudly serve Conesus, Canandaigua, and Rochester, New York—let us serve you today!